a set of JS helpers inspired by .NET BCL, TC 39 drafts, and more, which hopefully reduces repetitive work by filling the gaps in the native JavaScript API.
This set of packages are still in v0 phase. While you are welcome to play with them experimentally, and filing bugs and/or ideas, they are not intended for consumption in your Production projects. Because APIs and implementations are subject to drastic changes.
The entry-point package of the library is jscorlib
This set of packages implements APIs (or, "helpers") of various aspects (e.g., strings, arrays, iterators, globalization). To reduce the extraneous dependencies, the packages are designed to be as self-contained as possible. At least we are not depending on is-number lol
While this set of libraries intends to be consumed in the browsers, they should also be able to be consumed in nodejs without much difficulty.
This set of libraries intends to adopt the cutting-edge ECMAScript standard in an aggressive but slightly practical way.
, babel
, or similar transpilers or bundlers.webpack
, vite
, esbuild
, of latest versions, should be supporting bundling the latest language mode automatically. They are also providing options for you to specify output language versions.@jscorlib/polyfills
package.The point is: Instead of making the decisions for you, we are providing you with the possibilities, by allowing you to postprocess the code from our libraries as you wish, because