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WikiPageEditSectionAsync Method

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

Edits the specified section of the current page, using specified new section content and other options. (MediaWiki 1.16)

Namespace: WikiClientLibrary.Pages
Assembly: WikiClientLibrary (in WikiClientLibrary.dll) Version: 0.8.0+bba8b7a48c3412988f4331f41f4164c670d73663
public Task<bool> EditSectionAsync(
	string sectionId,
	WikiPageEditOptions options


sectionId  String
section identifier. "0" for the top section. Often a positive integer, but can also be non-numeric when the section is inside templates ("T-1").
options  WikiPageEditOptions
page edit options, including new content.

Return Value

true if page content has been changed; false otherwise.
InvalidOperationExceptionCannot create actual page in the specified namespace.
OperationConflictExceptionEdit conflict detected.
UnauthorizedOperationExceptionYou have no rights to edit the page.
This action will refill Id, Title, ContentModel, LastRevisionId, and invalidate ContentLength, LastRevision, Content, and LastTouched. You should call RefreshAsync again if you're interested in them.
See Also