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ChunkedUploadSource Properties

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

The ChunkedUploadSource type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDefaultChunkSize The chunk size to be used when calling the StashNextChunkAsync overloads without explicitly specifying chunk size.
Public propertyFileKey When IsStashed is true, gets the filekey used for file upload.
Public propertyFileName The file name used in the stashing requests.
Public propertyIsStashed Determines whether the file has been stashed completely.
Public propertyIsStashing Determines whether a chunk is currently uploading for stashing.
Public propertySite 
Public propertySourceStream The source stream containing the content to be uploaded.
Public propertyTotalSize Gets the total size of the file to be uploaded.
Public propertyUploadedSize Gets the size of the uploaded part of file.
See Also