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ParsingOptions Enumeration

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

Options for page or content parsing.

Namespace: WikiClientLibrary.Pages.Parsing
Assembly: WikiClientLibrary (in WikiClientLibrary.dll) Version: 0.9.0-int.2+447d1d590e6726b7881f750a0a0e42908f3e417e
public enum ParsingOptions
Member nameValueDescription
None0 No parsing options.
ResolveRedirects1 When parsing by page title or page id, returns the target page when meeting redirects.
DisableToc2 Disable table of contents in output. (1.23+)
DisableEditSection4 Disable edit section links from the parser output. (1.24+)
DisableTidy8 Do not run HTML cleanup (e.g. tidy) on the parser output. (1.26+)
Preview4,096 Parse in preview mode. (1.22+)
SectionPreview8,192 Parse in section preview mode (enables preview mode too). (1.22+)
MobileFormat16,384 Return parse output in a format suitable for mobile devices. (?)
NoImages32,768 Disable images in mobile output. (?)
LimitReport65,536 Gives the structured limit report. (1.23+) This flag fills ParserLimitReports.
DisableLimitReport131,072 Omit the limit report ("NewPP limit report") from the parser output. (1.17~1.22, disablepp; 1.23+, disablelimitreport) ParserLimitReports will be empty if both this flag and LimitReport is set.
EffectiveLanguageLinks262,144 Includes language links supplied by extensions, in addition to the links specified on the page. (1.22+)
TranscludedPages524,288 Gives the templates and other transcluded pages/modules in the parsed wikitext.
See Also