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Revision Properties

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

The Revision type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComment Editor's edit summary (editor's comment on revision).
Public propertyContent Gets the content of the revision.
Public propertyContentLength Content length, in bytes.
Public propertyContentModel Content model id of the revision.
Public propertyFlags Additional status of the revision.
Public propertyHiddenFields Gets an indicator of whether one or more fields has been hidden.
Public propertyId 
Public propertyPage Gets the stub of page this revision applies to.
Public propertyParentId 
Public propertySha1 SHA-1 (base 16) of the revision.
Public propertySlots Revision slots. (MW 1.32+)
Public propertyTags Any tags for this revision, such as those added by AbuseFilter.
Public propertyTimeStamp The timestamp of revision.
Public propertyUserId User id of revision creator.
Public propertyUserName The user who made the revision.
Public propertyUserStub Gets a UserStub containing the name and ID of the user made this revision.
See Also