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InterwikiEntry Properties

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

The InterwikiEntry type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowsTransclusion Whether transcluding pages from this wiki is allowed. Note that this has no effect unless crosswiki transclusion is enabled on the current wiki.
Public propertyIsLocal Whether the interwiki prefix points to a site belonging to the current wiki farm. The value is read straight out of the iw_local column of the interwiki table.
Public propertyIsLocalInterwiki Whether the interwiki link points to the current wiki, based on Manual:$wgLocalInterwikis.
Public propertyIsProtocolRelative Whether the value of URL can be treated as protocol-relative. (MediaWiki 1.24+) Note, however, that the Url actually returned will always include the current protocol.
Public propertyLanguageAutonym Autonym of the language, if the interwiki prefix is a language code defined in Language::fetchLanguageNames() from $wgExtraLanguageNames,
Public propertyPrefix The prefix of the interwiki link; this is used the same way as a namespace is used when editing.
Public propertySiteName If the interwiki prefix is an extra language link, this will contain the friendly site name used in the tooltip text of the links. (MediaWiki 1.24+)
Public propertyUrl The URL of the wiki, with "$1" as a placeholder for an article name.
Public propertyWikiId The internal name of the database. Not filled in by default; it may be missing for you. The value is read straight out of the iw_wikiid column of the interwiki table.
See Also