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WikiaSite Properties

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

The WikiaSite type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccountAssertionFailureHandler A handler used to re-login when account assertion fails.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public propertyAccountInfo Gets the current user's account information.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public propertyApiEndpoint The endpoint URL for MediaWiki API.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public propertyExtensions Gets a collection of installed extensions on this MediaWiki site.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public propertyInitialization A task that indicates the asynchronous initialization status of this instance.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public propertyInterwikiMap Gets the interwiki map information on this wiki site.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public propertyLogger Replaces the logger factory of the specified instance.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public propertyMagicWords Gets a list of magic words and their aliases on this MediaWiki site. (MW 1.14+)
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public propertyModificationThrottler A throttler used to enforce the speed limitation when performing edit/move/delete operations.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public propertyNamespaces Gets a collection of namespaces used on this MediaWiki site.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Protected propertyOptions 
Public propertySiteInfo Gets the basic site information.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public propertyWikiClient Gets the MediaWiki API client used to perform the requests.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public propertyWikiVariables 
See Also