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WikiSiteInvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(WikiRequestMessage, Boolean, CancellationToken) Method

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

Invokes MediaWiki API and gets JSON result.

Namespace: WikiClientLibrary.Sites
Assembly: WikiClientLibrary (in WikiClientLibrary.dll) Version: 0.9.0-int.2+447d1d590e6726b7881f750a0a0e42908f3e417e
public Task<JsonNode> InvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(
	WikiRequestMessage message,
	bool suppressAccountAssertion,
	CancellationToken cancellationToken


message  WikiRequestMessage
The request message.
suppressAccountAssertion  Boolean
Whether to temporarily disable account assertion as set in AccountAssertion.
cancellationToken  CancellationToken
The cancellation token that will be checked prior to completing the returned task.

Return Value

A task that returns the JSON response when completed.
InvalidActionExceptionSpecified action is not supported.
OperationFailedExceptionThere is "error" node in returned JSON. Instances of derived types may be thrown.
AccountAssertionFailureExceptionYou enabled account assertion, the assertion failed, and it also failed to retry logging in.
This overload uses Default as response parser.
See Also