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MediaWikiHelper Class

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

Low-level helper methods for extending MediaWiki API. These helper members are also intended to be leveraged by WCL library consumers.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: WikiClientLibrary.Infrastructures
Assembly: WikiClientLibrary (in WikiClientLibrary.dll) Version: 0.9.0-int.2+447d1d590e6726b7881f750a0a0e42908f3e417e
public static class MediaWikiHelper

The MediaWikiHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberWikiJsonSerializerOptions Gets a read-only instance of JsonSerializerOptions for parsing MediaWiki API response.
Public methodStatic memberEnumValues Enumerates from either a sequence of key-value pairs, or the property-value pairs of an anonymous object.
Public methodStatic memberFileRevisionFromJson 
Public methodStatic memberGeoCoordinateFromJson 
Public methodStatic memberJoinValuesT Joins multiple values that will be used as parameter value in MediaWiki API request.
Public methodStatic memberMakeAbsoluteProtocol Converts the specified relative protocol URL (starting with //) to absolute protocol URL.
Public methodStatic memberMakeAbsoluteUrl(String, String) Combines a base URL and a relative URL, using https for relative protocol URL.
Public methodStatic memberMakeAbsoluteUrl(String, String, String) Combines a base URL and a relative URL, using the specified protocol for relative protocol URL.
Public methodStatic memberPageStubFromJson Creates a WikiPageStub instance from the given raw page information.
Public methodStatic memberParseDateTime Parses a DateTime from MediaWiki API timestamp from the API response.
Public methodStatic memberParseDateTimeOffset Parses a DateTimeOffset from MediaWiki API timestamp from the API response.
Public methodStatic memberParseJsonAsync Asynchronously parses JSON content from the specified stream.
Public methodStatic memberPopulatePageFromJson Loads page information from JSON.
Public methodStatic memberQueryProviderFromOptions Gets a read-only implementation of IWikiPageQueryProvider for fetching a page.
Public methodStatic memberRevisionFromJson 
Public methodStatic memberTryParseDateTime Tries to parse a DateTime from MediaWiki API timestamp from the API response.
See Also