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CargoQueryExpressionReducer Class

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

Simplifies the LINQ expression into a single CargoQueryExpression root node.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: WikiClientLibrary.Cargo.Linq.ExpressionVisitors
Assembly: WikiClientLibrary.Cargo (in WikiClientLibrary.Cargo.dll) Version: 0.8.0+bba8b7a48c3412988f4331f41f4164c670d73663
public class CargoQueryExpressionReducer : ExpressionVisitor

The CargoQueryExpressionReducer type exposes the following members.

Public methodCargoQueryExpressionReducerInitializes a new instance of the CargoQueryExpressionReducer class
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodVisit(Expression)Dispatches the expression to one of the more specialized visit methods in this class.
(Overrides ExpressionVisitorVisit(Expression))
Public methodVisit(ReadOnlyCollectionExpression)Dispatches the list of expressions to one of the more specialized visit methods in this class.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Public methodVisitAndConvertT(ReadOnlyCollectionT, String)Visits all expressions in the collection, casting the results back to the original expression type.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Public methodVisitAndConvertT(T, String)Visits an expression, casting the result back to the original expression type.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitBinaryVisits the children of the BinaryExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitBlockVisits the children of the BlockExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitCatchBlockVisits the children of the CatchBlock.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitConditionalVisits the children of the ConditionalExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitConstantVisits the ConstantExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitDebugInfoVisits the DebugInfoExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitDefaultVisits the DefaultExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitDynamicVisits the children of the DynamicExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitElementInitVisits the children of the ElementInit.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitExtensionVisits the children of the extension expression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitGotoVisits the children of the GotoExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitIndexVisits the children of the IndexExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitInvocationVisits the children of the InvocationExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitLabelVisits the children of the LabelExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitLabelTargetVisits the LabelTarget.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitLambdaTVisits the children of the ExpressionTDelegate.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitListInitVisits the children of the ListInitExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitLoopVisits the children of the LoopExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitMemberVisits the children of the MemberExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitMemberAssignmentVisits the children of the MemberAssignment.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitMemberBindingVisits the children of the MemberBinding.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitMemberInitVisits the children of the MemberInitExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitMemberListBindingVisits the children of the MemberListBinding.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitMemberMemberBindingVisits the children of the MemberMemberBinding.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitMethodCallVisits the children of the MethodCallExpression.
(Overrides ExpressionVisitorVisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression))
Protected methodVisitNewVisits the children of the NewExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitNewArrayVisits the children of the NewArrayExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitParameterVisits the ParameterExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitRuntimeVariablesVisits the children of the RuntimeVariablesExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitSwitchVisits the children of the SwitchExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitSwitchCaseVisits the children of the SwitchCase.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitTryVisits the children of the TryExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitTypeBinaryVisits the children of the TypeBinaryExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
Protected methodVisitUnaryVisits the children of the UnaryExpression.
(Inherited from ExpressionVisitor)
See Also