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WikiLink Properties

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

The WikiLink type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnchor For wikilink expression in the form [[target|anchor]], excluding the square brackets, gets the actual displayed text (anchor) for the link.
Public propertyDisplayText Gets the actual link text that should be shown.
Public propertyFullTitle Gets the full title of the target page. (Namespace:Title)
Public propertyFullTitleAndSection Gets the full page title and section part of the wikilink. (Namespace:Title#Section)
Public propertyInterwikiPrefix Gets interwiki prefix of the wikilink.
Public propertyNamespace Gets the namespace information.
Public propertyNamespaceName Gets the namespace name.
Public propertyOriginalText Gets the original wikitext expression that was passed to the Parse or ParseAsync methods.
Public propertySection Gets the section title of a section on the page. (Section)
Public propertySite The original wiki site provided to resolve this wikilink.
Public propertyTarget Gets the full wikilink target expression. (interwiki:Namespace:Title#Section)
Public propertyTargetSite Gets the wiki site containing the specified page title, if such information is available.
Public propertyTargetUrl Gets the full URL of the wikilink target.
Public propertyTitle Gets the target page title, excluding all the prefix and section. (Title)
See Also