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WikiaSiteOptions Properties

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

The WikiaSiteOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccountAssertion Gets/sets the account rights assertion behavior when performing the requests. (MW 1.25+)
(Inherited from SiteOptions)
Public propertyApiEndpoint Sets the URL of MediaWiki API endpoint.
(Inherited from SiteOptions)
Public propertyDisambiguationTemplates Specifies a list of disambiguation templates explicitly.
(Inherited from SiteOptions)
Public propertyNirvanaEndPointUrl Wikia Nirvana endpoint URL.
Public propertyScriptUrl MediaWiki script URL, as in ScriptFilePath.
Public propertyWikiaApiRootUrl Root URL of Wikia public REST-ful API v1, without the suffixing slash.
See Also