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WikiLinkTryParseAsync Method

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberTryParseAsync(IWikiFamily, String) Tries to parse a new instance from the a Wikilink expression on the specified Wiki family. This overload resolves the target interwiki site with the interwiki prefixes provided instance, and requires text to have interwiki prefix.
Public methodStatic memberTryParseAsync(IWikiFamily, String, Int32) Tries to parse a new instance from the a Wikilink expression on the specified Wiki family. This overload resolves the target interwiki site with the interwiki prefixes provided instance, and requires text to have interwiki prefix.
Public methodStatic memberTryParseAsync(WikiSite, IWikiFamily, String) Parses a new instance from the a Wikilink expression on the specified Wiki site and Wiki family. This overload also resolves the target interwiki site with the interwiki prefixes provided instance.
Public methodStatic memberTryParseAsync(WikiSite, IWikiFamily, String, Int32) Parses a new instance from the a Wikilink expression on the specified Wiki site and Wiki family. This overload also resolves the target interwiki site with the interwiki prefixes provided instance.
See Also