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Entity Class

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

Provides information on a Wikibase item or property.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: WikiClientLibrary.Wikibase
Assembly: WikiClientLibrary.Wikibase (in WikiClientLibrary.Wikibase.dll) Version: 0.8.0-int.8+f07259cca53448109bd542f6a3e53c54ddd48d58
public sealed class Entity : IEntity

The Entity type exposes the following members.

Public methodEntity(WikiSite, String) Initializes a new Entity entity from Wikibase site and existing entity ID.
Public methodEntity(WikiSite, EntityType) Initializes a new Entity entity from Wikibase site, marked for creation.
Public propertyAliasesGets the aliases of the entity.
Public propertyClaimsGets the claims of the entity.
Public propertyDataType For property entity, gets the data type of the property.
Public propertyDescriptionsGets the descriptions of the entity.
Public propertyExists Whether the entity exists.
Public propertyId Id of the entity.
Public propertyLabelsGets the labels (aka. names) of the entity.
Public propertyLastModifiedTime of the last revision.
Public propertyLastRevisionId The revid of the last revision.
Public propertyNamespaceId Namespace ID of the entity page.
Public propertyPageId ID of the entity page.
Public propertyQueryOptions The last query options used with RefreshAsync or effectively equivalent methods.
Public propertySite 
Public propertySiteLinksGets the sitelinks of the entity.
Public propertyTitle Full title of the entity page.
Public propertyTypeWikibase entity type.
Public methodEditAsync(IEnumerableEntityEditEntry, String) Makes the specified changes to the current entity on the Wikibase site.
Public methodEditAsync(IEnumerableEntityEditEntry, String, EntityEditOptions) Makes the specified changes to the current entity on the Wikibase site.
Public methodEditAsync(IEnumerableEntityEditEntry, String, EntityEditOptions, CancellationToken) Makes the specified changes to the current entity on the Wikibase site.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberIdFromSiteLinkAsync Asynchronously gets the entity IDs with specified sequence of titles on the specified site.
Public methodStatic memberIdsFromSiteLinksAsync Asynchronously gets the entity IDs with specified sequence of titles on the specified site.
Public methodRefreshAsync Refreshes the basic entity information from Wikibase site.
Public methodRefreshAsync(EntityQueryOptions) Refreshes the entity information from Wikibase site.
Public methodRefreshAsync(EntityQueryOptions, ICollectionString) Refreshes the entity information from Wikibase site.
Public methodRefreshAsync(EntityQueryOptions, ICollectionString, CancellationToken) Refreshes the entity information from Wikibase site.
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
The object represents a read-only snapshot of the Wikibase entity. To edit the entity, use EditAsync(IEnumerableEntityEditEntry, String) method.
See Also