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WikiClientLibrary.Generators.Primitive Namespace

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

This namespace contains the primitive classes that allows you to implement your own customized MediaWiki lists and generators.
Public classWikiListT Represents a configured MediaWiki list. (mw:API:Lists)
Public classWikiListCompatibilityOptions Provides more options on detailed behavior of WikiListT-derived instances. Most of the options are provided for compatibility purpose.
Public classWikiPageGenerator The base classes for commonly-used WikiPage generator that implements WikiPageGeneratorTItem, where TItem is WikiPageStub.
Public classWikiPageGeneratorTItem Represents a list-based MediaWiki generator (or sequence, see mw:API:Generator) of WikiPage.
Public classWikiPagePropertyGenerator The base classes for commonly-used WikiPage generator that implements WikiPagePropertyGeneratorTItem, where TItem is WikiPageStub.
Public classWikiPagePropertyGeneratorTItem Represents a page-property-based MediaWiki generator (or sequence, see mw:API:Generator) of WikiPage.
Public classWikiPagePropertyListT Represents a list-like sequence parsed from a property of MediaWiki page.
Public interfaceIWikiListT Provides method for asynchronously generating a sequence of items.
Public interfaceIWikiPageGenerator Provides method for asynchronously generating a sequence of WikiPage with information fetched from server.
Public enumerationWikiListContinuationLoopBehaviors Controls the behavior when WikiListT detects itself is getting into a loop due to the continuation parameter set provided by the server has the exact same values as query parameters.

MediaWiki lists and generators allows you to enumerate through all the pages or other item sequence, with pagination support. In Wiki Client Library, these functionalities are implemented using IAsyncEnumerableT from Ix.Async package.

For basic concepts on MediaWiki lists and generators, see mw:API:Lists and mw:API:Generator.