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NamespaceInfo Properties

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

The NamespaceInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAliases Namespace alias names.
Public propertyCanonicalName Canonical namespace name. This may or may not be the same as the actual namespace name (CustomName).
Public propertyCustomName The displayed name for the namespace. Defined in server LocalSettings.php .
Public propertyDefaultContentModel 
Public propertyId An integer identification number which is unique for each namespace.
Public propertyIsCaseSensitive Whether the first letter in the namespace title is upper-case. (MediaWiki 1.8+) Note that all the namespace names are case-insensitive. See "remarks" for more information.
Public propertyIsContent 
Public propertyIsNonIncludable Whether pages in this namespace can be transcluded.
Public propertySubPages 
See Also