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AccountBlockInfo Properties

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

The AccountBlockInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBlockComponentsFor composite block, retrieve the block components. (MW 1.34+)
Public propertyBlockedByUsername of the blocker.
Public propertyBlockedByIdUser ID of the blocker.
Public propertyBlockedSinceTimestamp for when the block was placed/modified.
Public propertyBlockExpiryExpiry time of the block.
Public propertyBlockIdID of the block.
Public propertyBlockReasonReason provided for the block, in Wikitext.
Public propertyIsAnonymousBlockWhether the block only affects anonymous users.
Public propertyIsCreateAccountBlockedWhether the account creation has also been blocked.
Public propertyIsEmailBlockedWhether this block blocks the target from sending emails.
Public propertyIsPartialBlockWhether the block only applies to certain pages, namespaces and/or actions
Public propertyIsUserTalkEditBlockedWhether the block blocks the target from editing their own user talk page.
Public propertySystemBlockTypeSystem block type, if this block is a system block.
See Also