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ParsedContentInfo Properties

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

The ParsedContentInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCategories 
Public propertyContent Parsed content, in HTML form.
Public propertyDisplayTitle The displayed title HTML.
Public propertyLanguageLinks 
Public propertyPageId 
Public propertyParserLimitReports Gets the limit reports generated by the parser. Available if LimitReport is specified.
Public propertyProperties 
Public propertyRedirects Determines the redirects that has been followed to reach the page.
Public propertyRevisionId 
Public propertySections 
Public propertySummary Parsed summary, if exists, in HTML form.
Public propertyTitle The title of the page.
Public propertyTranscludedPages Gets a list of templates transcluded in this page. Available if TranscludedPages is specified.
See Also