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WikiaSite Methods

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

The WikiaSite type exposes the following members.

Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetMessageAsync(String) Get the content of MediaWiki interface message.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodGetMessageAsync(String, CancellationToken) Get the content of MediaWiki interface message.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodGetMessagesAsync(IEnumerableString) Get the content of some or all MediaWiki interface messages.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodGetMessagesAsync(IEnumerableString, CancellationToken) Get the content of some or all MediaWiki interface messages.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodGetStatisticsAsync Gets the statistical information of the MediaWiki site.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodGetStatisticsAsync(CancellationToken) Gets the statistical information of the MediaWiki site.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodGetTokenAsync(String) Request a token for operation.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodGetTokenAsync(String, Boolean) Request a token for operation.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodGetTokenAsync(String, CancellationToken) Request a token for operation.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodGetTokenAsync(String, Boolean, CancellationToken) Request a token for operation.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodInvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(WikiRequestMessage, CancellationToken) Invokes MediaWiki API and gets JSON result.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodInvokeMediaWikiApiAsync(WikiRequestMessage, Boolean, CancellationToken) Invokes MediaWiki API and gets JSON result.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodInvokeMediaWikiApiAsyncT(WikiRequestMessage, IWikiResponseMessageParserT, Boolean, CancellationToken) Invokes MediaWiki API and gets JSON result.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodInvokeNirvanaAsync(WikiRequestMessage, CancellationToken) Invokes nirvana API call.
Public methodInvokeNirvanaAsyncT(WikiRequestMessage, IWikiResponseMessageParserT, CancellationToken) Invokes nirvana API call.
Public methodInvokeWikiaAjaxAsync(WikiRequestMessage, CancellationToken) Invokes index.php call with action=ajax query.
Public methodInvokeWikiaAjaxAsyncT(WikiRequestMessage, IWikiResponseMessageParserT, CancellationToken) Invokes index.php call with action=ajax query.
Public methodInvokeWikiaApiAsync(String, WikiRequestMessage, CancellationToken) Invokes Wikia API v1 call.
Public methodInvokeWikiaApiAsyncT(String, WikiRequestMessage, IWikiResponseMessageParserT, CancellationToken) Invokes Wikia API v1 call.
Public methodLoginAsync(String, String) Logins into the wiki site.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodLoginAsync(String, String, String) Logins into the wiki site.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodLoginAsync(String, String, String, CancellationToken) Logins into the wiki site.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodLogoutAsync Logouts from the wiki site.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodLogoutAsync(Boolean) Logouts from the wiki site.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodOpenSearchAsync(String) Performs an opensearch and get results, often used for search box suggestions. (MediaWiki 1.25 or OpenSearch extension)
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodOpenSearchAsync(String, Int32) Performs an opensearch and get results, often used for search box suggestions. (MediaWiki 1.25 or OpenSearch extension)
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodOpenSearchAsync(String, OpenSearchOptions) Performs an opensearch and get results, often used for search box suggestions. (MediaWiki 1.25 or OpenSearch extension)
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodOpenSearchAsync(String, Int32, OpenSearchOptions) Performs an opensearch and get results, often used for search box suggestions. (MediaWiki 1.25 or OpenSearch extension)
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodOpenSearchAsync(String, Int32, Int32, OpenSearchOptions) Performs an opensearch and get results, often used for search box suggestions. (MediaWiki 1.25 or OpenSearch extension)
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodOpenSearchAsync(String, Int32, OpenSearchOptions, CancellationToken) Performs an opensearch and get results, often used for search box suggestions. (MediaWiki 1.25 or OpenSearch extension)
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodOpenSearchAsync(String, Int32, Int32, OpenSearchOptions, CancellationToken) Performs an opensearch and get results, often used for search box suggestions. (MediaWiki 1.25 or OpenSearch extension)
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodRefreshAccountInfoAsync Refreshes user account information.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Public methodRefreshSiteInfoAsync Refreshes site information.
(Overrides WikiSiteRefreshSiteInfoAsync)
Protected methodSendLogoutRequestAsync Directly sends a logout request. This method will be invoked by LogoutAsync(Boolean).
(Overrides WikiSiteSendLogoutRequestAsync)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from WikiSite)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodExecuteCargoQueryAsync Executes a Cargo query and retrieves the response rows.
(Defined by CargoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodExecuteCargoQueryAsync Executes a Cargo query and retrieves the response rows.
(Defined by CargoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchRelatedPagesAsync Asynchronously fetches the specified page's related pages.
(Defined by WikiaSiteWikiaApiExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchRelatedPagesAsync Asynchronously fetches the specified page's related pages.
(Defined by WikiaSiteWikiaApiExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchRelatedPagesAsync Asynchronously fetches the specified page's related pages.
(Defined by WikiaSiteWikiaApiExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchUserAsync Asynchronously fetches the specified user's information.
(Defined by WikiaSiteWikiaApiExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchUserAsync Asynchronously fetches the specified user's information.
(Defined by WikiaSiteWikiaApiExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFetchUsersAsync Asynchronously fetches the specified users' information.
(Defined by WikiaSiteWikiaApiExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParseContentAsync Parsing the specific page content and/or summary, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParseContentAsync Parsing the specific page content and/or summary, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParseContentAsync Parsing the specific page content and/or summary, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParseContentAsync Parsing the specific page content and/or summary, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParsePageAsync Parsing the specific page, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParsePageAsync Parsing the specific page, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParsePageAsync Parsing the specific page, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParsePageAsync Parsing the specific page, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParsePageAsync Parsing the specific page, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParsePageAsync Parsing the specific page, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParsePageAsync Parsing the specific page, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParsePageAsync Parsing the specific page, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParseRevisionAsync Parsing the specific page revision, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParseRevisionAsync Parsing the specific page revision, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParseRevisionAsync Parsing the specific page revision, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodParseRevisionAsync Parsing the specific page revision, gets HTML and more information. (MediaWiki 1.12)
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScribuntoExecuteLuaAsyncT Evaluates an ad-hoc Lua module with the specified module content in Scribunto Lua console, and gets the returned value.
(Defined by ScribuntoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScribuntoExecuteLuaAsyncT Evaluates an ad-hoc Lua module with the specified module content in Scribunto Lua console, and gets the returned value.
(Defined by ScribuntoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScribuntoExecuteLuaAsyncT Evaluates an ad-hoc Lua module with the specified module content in Scribunto Lua console, and gets the returned value.
(Defined by ScribuntoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScribuntoExecuteLuaAsyncT Evaluates an ad-hoc Lua module with the specified module content in Scribunto Lua console, and gets the returned value.
(Defined by ScribuntoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScribuntoLoadDataAsyncT Imports the Lua module with the specified name and gets the module content.
(Defined by ScribuntoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScribuntoLoadDataAsyncT Imports the Lua module with the specified name and gets the module content.
(Defined by ScribuntoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScribuntoLoadDataAsyncT Imports the Lua module with the specified name and gets the module content.
(Defined by ScribuntoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScribuntoLoadDataAsyncT Imports the Lua module with the specified name and gets the module content.
(Defined by ScribuntoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScribuntoLoadDataAsyncT Imports the Lua module with the specified name and gets the module content.
(Defined by ScribuntoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScribuntoLoadDataAsyncT Imports the Lua module with the specified name and gets the module content.
(Defined by ScribuntoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodScribuntoLoadDataAsyncT Imports the Lua module with the specified name and evaluates the specified Lua code with it.
(Defined by ScribuntoWikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodUploadAsync Asynchronously uploads a file in this title.
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodUploadAsync Asynchronously uploads a file in this title.
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
Public Extension MethodUploadAsync Asynchronously uploads a file in this title.
(Defined by WikiSiteExtensions)
See Also